An open invitation to tender in accordance with GPA and the submission of an offer with subsequent presentation of the already programmed solution offer resulted in an order commitment for several years.
"Web2Print Business" solution for 180+ institutes
Good things take time is a rather old adage, but it is once again the inspiration for a project that takes a good 12 months from tender to release.
The 24-page specifications of the University of Zurich (UZH) and around a dozen other working and information documents found their way onto our desks at the end of January this year after we announced our interest in them.

After just a short period of reading, we realized that our current webshop solution ideally and comprehensively covers the required needs. We worked on the two mandatory folders with enthusiasm and enthusiasm and were able to submit them on time and with a good feeling.
We were delighted to be invited to the presentation and at the same time knew that our software supplier and we were now required to present the programming, i.e. the connection between their purchasing platform and our “Web2Print Business” solution.

We were very pleased that we were able to implement and present all the requirements, which helped us to win the project.
In the meantime, we have created 159 webshop products, which are available to around 180 university institutes in various forms and combinations.
All your specific order information, incl. the constantly changing delivery addresses and unique order number, are transferred to our system with the order and production is triggered just a few clicks later.
After completion, the finished products are delivered centrally or sent by post at the time requested by the customer.
The implemented automation is rounded off with electronic invoices, which are automatically transmitted by our system to the joint transaction partner and also transferred digitally by UZH.
A really great project that could inspire other companies to manage their brand needs in the simplest possible way via a web-based business solution.