"Great developments in companies never come from one person. They are the product of a team!"
Steve Jobs
We agree with this statement.
We have modern and technically advanced digital printing machines, as you have already read. The Digital Hub article explains what they can do. All well and good. But for our digital hub to function smoothly, the machines need to be nurtured, cared for and fed. Our 3-person Digital Hub team is responsible for this. I would like to introduce you to Caela, Zarko and Simon.
Zarko Markovic
"For me, the best confirmation in my job is if everything goes according to plan."
With the company since: 1998
Greatest strength: Accuracy and good knowledge of the production software
Specialist for: Digital printing
Most important equipment: printing machine, correct software
Motto: Machines must always be running!
Caela Miresse
"For me, the best confirmation in my job is when customers are satisfied with the finished products."
With the company since: August 15, 2018
Greatest strength: Team player
Specialist for: Production / meeting deadlines
Most important equipment: Our printing machines
Motto: “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford.
Simon Baumgartner
"For me, the best confirmation in my job is when customers enjoy the product."
With the company since: July 1, 2022
Greatest strength: Flexibility
Specialist for: Everything that is important right now
Most important equipment: Functioning printing press
Motto: Better today than tomorrow
Zarko, you're the "oldest" Digital Hub member, by which I mean you've been with us the longest, of course. In your opinion, what are the biggest changes in digital printing in the last 20 years?
For me, the biggest changes are the constant improvements in software and hardware. As well as ever more precise paper registration and toner quality.
You are a qualified electrical engineer. How did you acquire all the know-how in digital printing?
IT as a hobby and the opportunity I got at Staffel Medien AG to work in digital printing, in today's "Digital Hub".
Caela: You completed your training as a print technologist specializing in reprography 7 years ago. What is the biggest development in technology?
Technology is winning over traditional printing methods, so I think the biggest development so far is personalized advertising tailored to the customer.
What has more future? Digital or offset printing, what do you think?
I think digital printing, because today more and more is being digitized, so people need more short runs.
Zarko: What do you think?
Offset printing takes over the slower technology from digital printing and so I think both will continue.
Simon: You joined our team as an all-rounder. What fascinates you about digital printing?
The Digital Hub team - our digital printing professionals 6 It never gets boring, you always learn something new.
What three words would you use to describe the advantages of digital printing vs. offset printing to a customer?
Speed, personalization, rich colors even on offset paper.
Caela: Which three terms do you find appropriate?
Short runs, personalization, more flexible.
Zarko: Approximately how many clicks do we make on all our machines each year?
Since 1998: 212 million clicks, i.e. an average of 8.8 million per year.
What does Caela have a particularly keen eye for?
Friendly contact with customers and she keeps calm in the workplace.
Simon: In what situation did Caela positively surprise you?
Whenever she keeps her cool.
Caela: In which situation does Zarko really come into his own?
For express orders.
Thank you for the interview. I enjoyed getting to know you even better as individuals and as a team. Thank you very much for your great work and we are happy and proud to have such a competent Digital Hub team at our side.