Team photos
The individual players are optimally positioned so that the overall picture for the team photos is just right. Several shots are taken, for example with laughter and serious facial expressions. On request, we can also realize different variations, different backgrounds and compositions.
For the ice hockey club EVDN we were allowed to shoot the team photo of the 1st team and for the handball club SGHW the team photos of all teams.
Portrait and group photos
If desired, the players can be optimally photographed in various poses – frontal, sideways, with and without game equipment, serious and laughing or even full-body shots. Small group photos for social media appearances, a match preview and much more are also possible.
For the ice hockey club EVDN and the handball club SGHW we were also allowed to take the portrait photos of the 1st teams shoot. The SGHW wanted additional group photos for its NLB men and 2nd division women.
Team and portrait photos for the whole club or for individual teams.
Have your photo taken professionally and stand out from the crowd. The photo shoot can be carried out in the hall, on the pitch, in the clubhouse or at any other location. Portrait photos can also be taken in our in-house studio.
Possible use of the photos:
- Website
- Social Media
- Club magazine
- Autograph cards
- Banner / Display
- Match programs
- Flyer