Refresh the design: Logo, website print ads

New website for

The website of was to become more modern and neutral so that different stakeholder groups could be better addressed and the needs of users could be better met. Kathrin Grüneis approached us with the request for a redesign of her website stands for a personal dating agency in the heart of Zurich where people meet who are seriously interested in meeting their partner for life and thus arriving safely where happiness is at home.

Logo renewal

Kathrin Grüneis wanted a fresher and more modern logo, but still wanted to retain the original form. We carefully changed the existing logo and chose a more neutral color scheme. This allowed us to retain the recognition value and at the same time create a contemporary look.

Redesign of the website

The website was rebuilt and redesigned, revised and brought up to the latest technical standards.
We proceeded as follows:

  • Content capture and translation:

    The text of all existing press articles was rewritten and translated into English to appeal to a broader target group.

  • Technical modernization:

    The website was brought up to date with the latest technology and security standards were updated to ensure optimal performance and user experience (UX).

Ongoing support and online marketing

A modern website is a constantly growing project. Staffel Medien AG ensures that it is always up to date. In the case of, our service includes

  • Maintenance security updates

    Regular updates and technical checks ensure that the functionality of the website is guaranteed.

  • New content

    Ongoing creation and integration of new content to keep the website lively and informative.

  • Distribution in social media

    We take care of the online marketing by distributing the content in the relevant social networks and thus increasing reach and engagement.

Print media and business stationery

In addition to digital projects, we have also taken on extensive design and print jobs for our client:

  • Advertisements for print media

    Creative and eye-catching advertisements for various print media.

  • Business stationery and forms

    Professional design of various business stationery and specific forms to facilitate day-to-day administration.

  • Christmas card

    We designed a Christmas card as a special highlight for the festive season.
    This elegant and personal card helped to convey a feeling of solidarity and appreciation to our client’s customers and business partners.

It was exciting to support our client in these multifaceted projects and to accompany her on her further journey.
By combining modern design know-how, technical expertise and specific marketing knowledge, we have helped to optimize their online and offline presence.