Print vouchers – every voucher is unique

Taxi Gutschein mit unterschiedlichen Nummern online gedruckt

Perfect CI/CD and yet every voucher is unique

We print plenty of unique items for Taxi 444 in Zurich using our Web2Print business platform. Each cab voucher for business customers is provided with an individual voucher number and a QR code. The practical perforation provides the passenger and cab driver with a receipt in seconds.

Taxi Gutschein mit unterschiedlichen Nummern online gedruckt

Web2Print Business - precisely customized

The template for the cab voucher is stored on the platform. For a new print job, an Excel list with predefined voucher codes is uploaded to the platform. Each voucher is then created individually according to the print run. A QR code is generated on the front next to the voucher number.

Printing technology: