New brand identity for Zurich job center

It has been providing simple services and unskilled labor to unemployed people who are willing to work since 1994. As an association, we have been helping employees for over 25 years to expand their skills and earn money from their own efforts.
Previously known as Jobvermittlung Wipkingen, the agency expands its activities to the entire city of Zurich, adopts a new brand identity and changes its name to Jobvermittlung Zürich.

The new brand identity includes:

  • New logo
  • New stationery & CI/CD
  • New website
  • Photography & Imagery
Visitenkarten Job-Vermittlung Zürich

New logo

The new logo is a central design and recognition symbol in the new brand identity. Together with the new slogan "Creating perspectives together", the values are to be communicated in a fresh way.

Geschäftsdrucksachen Job-Vermittlung Zürich

New business stationery and more

It is not only the business stationery that plays a central role in day-to-day business transactions; the time report for employees was also designed and printed by Staffel Medien AG. The CI/CD was supplemented with a logo, color palette and fonts.

Webseiten erstellen für Job-Vermittlung Zürich


With the new name, the domain was also changed to We created a website based on WordPress and integrated an online payment system for donations and vouchers.

Bildwelt Jobvermittlung Zürich

Imagery & business portraits

With a strong reference to Zurich and the people supported, the visual world was designed with people and activities as well as photos of the city. Business portraits were created of the management and the Management Board.