Cross Media Marketing

Cross Media Marketing Schema Werbewirkung

More channels, more success

What is cross media marketing?

Cross media marketing is a marketing concept in which a message is disseminated on several channels simultaneously in order to achieve a greater reach. Today, digital and traditional communication channels are combined and the touchpoints are coordinated. A synergy effect is intended to increase the advertising effectiveness of the campaign.

When designing the channels, a decision must be made as to whether the customer is kept on the channel and follows the sales funnel or whether the individual media are linked to each other. Timed staging and personalization of the communication chain helps to lead your customers to the desired action.

"Cross-channel communication increases the advertising impact, as contact with different media creates a learning effect."

Advantages of cross media marketing

A higher brand presence among your customers can be expected to improve customer loyalty to your company. The effort involved is reduced because content can be used multiple times for the respective channels during planning. The return on investment improves compared to isolated measures.

New opportunities arise when your content is distributed via multiple communication channels. If the recipient of the advertising message changes channels, they can continue to be accompanied with content. The possibility of conversion is significantly increased by using multiple channels. A cross-media strategy shows its strengths when classic and digital media are interlinked in the dialog concept.

Criteria for a cross-media campaign

  • Consistent guiding principle
    Create a consistent leitmotif, central idea or story.
  • Appropriate choice of media with regard to target group, product & brand
    Choose the media that suit your brand and the advertised product and on which your target group spends time.
  • Integration in terms of time, form and content
    Observe the requirements for integrated communication.
  • Advertising and editorial networking and guidance towards a goal
    Which medium refers to which others? Further information on other contacts of your brand.
  • Interaction options and activation
    Motivate the customer and provide response and interaction options.
  • Multi-sensory appeal
    Appeal to different senses according to the channel.
  • Target medium, convergence and CRM potential
    Guide consumers towards an (action) goal. Collect contact details for further processing.
  • Added value and utility for the consumer
    Offer added value and benefits on every channel to attract interest and meet needs.

Source: according to Mahrdt, 2009, Crossmedia

How to get off to a successful start

The success factors of a cross-media strategy are based on structural and content competence as well as targeted (convergent) and coherent (stringent) implementation. Start with the pillars of advertising impact: target group, perception, channels and content. Pay attention to the involvement of the target group and choose the appropriate content and messages in the selected media and channels. Plan the response options and channels for the response.

Which marketing channels?

Select the channels on which the target group spends time. Depending on the campaign objective, you can choose from the classics such as radio/TV, print, events and trade fairs, cinema, PR and PoS marketing and digital channels such as out-of-home, online, newsletters and SEA/SEO. Create momentum with physical mailings such as product samples or postcards.

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Annette Weissbaum

Annette Weissbaum

044 289 89 00