The magazine – an essential communication tool for companies, associations, organizations or, as in this case, a sports club. It shows club life through reports, interviews, portraits, teams and various other sections. The club magazine shapes the perception from the outside and therefore our claim was clear: quality in every step, from the idea to the realization.
Initial situation of the new club magazine
The Wädenswil Handball Club produced the “SPRUNGWURF” three times a year. A printed version for the Chilbi Wädenswil, which takes place in August, and two digital versions, which were sent by e-mail after the preliminary round in January and after the second round in May and published on the website.
The printed version was published with a print run of 700 copies, which were sent to members and sponsors by post.
The Horgen Handball Club produced the “HCH NEWS” twice a year in printed form, which was distributed to all households (without stop advertising stickers) in Horgen, Hirzel and Oberrieden in the fall and spring. A digital version will also be published on the website.
The print run was around 7000 copies, of which around 5500 were distributed to households. Members and sponsors in Horgen have also received their copies.
More about customer magazines & club magazines

Customer magazine – the premium channel
Your strong advantage in communication. Make an impression with good content and an emotional appearance.
Customer magazines
Customer magazines allow a targeted dialog with your company’s target group.
Customer magazine StaffelNews
For example, our customer magazine StaffelNews.

Objective of the handball magazine
At the board meeting of the SGHW match association on March 30, 2022, it was agreed that both communication organs should be published in one issue, twice a year. The first issue should already be realized at the beginning of August 2022.
Target group: Association members, sponsors and the public
The magazine is to be sent to all private households (without stop-advertising stickers) in Wädenswil, Au / ZH, Schönenberg, Hütten, Horgen, Horgenberg, Hirzel and Oberrieden. Additional mailing to all members of the HCW and HCH as well as to all sponsors and related parties. There will also be an edition in the handball tent at the Chilbi Wädenswil.
What are the advantages of a club magazine?
- Improving member retention:
A club magazine offers an easy way to keep members up to date and inform them about news, upcoming events and other important information. - Increasing the level of awareness:
A club magazine can be used as an effective advertising medium to increase awareness of the club and attract new members. - Generate sources of money:
Club magazines can also be used as a source of money by selling advertisements and sponsoring. - Increase in communication:
A club magazine can help to improve communication between the club, its members and the public. - Increasing credibility:
A club magazine can give the club a sense of professionalism and increase its credibility.
From the idea to implementation
Offer with draft budget
After the board meeting and the decision in favor of a joint magazine, we set to work on the offer.
Schedule created
For the first issue, we have drawn up a plan with activities, deadlines and responsibilities. This included text and image submission, print approval, production and dispatch.
Idea for design and sections (layout suggestions)
To find ideas, we were inspired by various magazines and created different design variants. We had five suggestions for the cover and two to three per topic for the content pages. In the next step, we made an internal selection, finalized the proposals for the presentation and then worked out the final layouts. The last thing to do was to choose the categories for the content.
Team photos created
We were allowed to shoot the team photos for the whole club, 26 teams in total, which were also shown in the issue after the photo editing.
There have already been various suggestions from the clubs for the title of the magazine and we have also put forward additional ideas for names. In order to make a decision, we created a survey and sent it to all decision-makers.
The winner was “HORGÄWÄDIHERZ ” – The handball magazine Horgen/Wädenswil, the name was created using the hashtag #horgäwädiherz and the addition as an explanation.
Contact advertisers
As an advertising agency, we have created a landing page on which all details on sizes, layouts, prices and general information can be found. Advertisers can submit feedback directly via the contact form and upload a new advertisement. Our tasks also include maintaining the list of advertisers, writing and sending a letter for the insertion, following up with advertisers by telephone and updating the list of advertisers for comparison with the list of sponsors and for invoicing. We have also adapted the design of some of the advertisements.
Creation and text proofreading/supplementation
We filled the supplied texts into the basic layout, paginated, corrected and partially supplemented or adapted them. The photos and advertisements are checked and placed on the various magazine pages. All those involved were able to follow the development status of the magazine via a link and provide any feedback.
Print approval and production
After several internal checks, the first proof was sent to the editorial team for printing (PDF), which was followed by a further correction run, the second GzD and the implementation of the final corrections. A final print file and a first test print were created. We printed 200 copies for Chilbi Wädenswil using digital printing and the remaining 9000 copies using offset printing.
The printed sheets were folded and simultaneously stapled with wire on a saddle stitcher and cut to size on three sides.
We delivered 200 copies for Chilbi Wädenswil directly and sent the 7646 copies to all private commercial customers (without stop-advertising stickers) via PromoPost.
A further 1200 copies were sent to members and sponsors in personalized envelopes and the reserve of 400 copies was given to the association. In addition, we created a PDF, primarily for the website and also for other uses, such as e-mailing.
A very challenging project, which we support from A to Z, ended successfully for everyone. But only for now, because the editorial meeting for the second edition of the 2022/23 season was soon on the agenda. We look forward to continuing to realize this project, with everything that goes with it, from layout design and text corrections to production and dispatch.
Feedback from the client

Mathias Sigg
President, HC Wädenswil

Sascha Mackintosh
President, HC Horgen
What expectations or ideas did you have of the magazine beforehand?
M.S.: As we were involved in the planning of the new magazine and were able to contribute our suggestions, we knew early on what the club magazine could look like in the end. The collaboration between Staffel Medien AG and SG Wädenswil/Horgen was very pleasant and constructive.
S.M.: I already had high expectations of the magazine when I created the idea, but I was also aware of the challenge of combining our two long-standing and historic club magazines into one. The central expectation was to show our joint handball club Horgen and Handballclub Wädenswil in an up-to-date, modern, lively way and in all our colors from the best side, without losing the connection and identity to the individual clubs. Editorially designed and written, it is intended to present all the top news, insiders, portraits and all the teams in the best possible form. The preparation with us as club managers in cooperation with Staffel Medien AG went very well from the start.
What do you think of the end result?
M.S.: The result exceeded my expectations. The overwhelmingly positive reactions from club members, sponsors and interested readers confirmed our decision to create a revised club magazine, i.e. to merge two club magazines into “HORGÄWÄDIHERZ”. I am very glad that we have traveled this path together.
S.M.: The new club magazine “HORGÄWÄDIHERZ” with its new name / brand and new look is very successful all round. Really a great read, very nice design and exciting content. This is exactly how I imagined it. It shows our colors, also figuratively speaking, and presents our large handball family in a highly professional manner. Top work from the relay media team, the result is a great pleasure for everyone.
Would you like to realize a magazine project of this size?
Then we are the right partner for you. We support you every step of the way with our experience and expertise.
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Annette Weissbaum
044 289 89 00