Author: Alexandra Ennen

Gautschen - feierlicher Initiationsritus der Druckindustrie

Gautschen – History of letterpress printing

Gautschen: the meeting of tradition and community spirit, cleansing and joyful new beginnings.
The meaning behind the ceremonial act of Gautsching, a centuries-old ritual in which water plays a central role.

Myths and facts in the print and digital sector

Print or digital? A question that we encounter time and again today when it comes to the storage and dissemination of information. But what is really behind the myths and facts about print and paper?

AI Image Generator vs. digital drawings

An exciting experiment that shows the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence (image generator) compared to a conventional digital drawing.

The print product – champion or loser?

The average person remembers printed messages much better than digital communication. In a world where we are flooded with digital information, print is the attention-grabbing alternative. Discover three advantages that make print an indispensable advertising medium.

Market launch: 3D modeling for photorealistic images

To ensure an effective market launch, product renderings can be used to provide a uniform, realistic and detailed representation. In this way, a professional appearance can be achieved that appeals to buyers and leaves a lasting impression.

Club magazine for your football club

We create your club magazine with all the information about your football club. The club magazine is the ideal communication platform and connects your club with members, sponsors and fans.

StaffelNews Issue 2023/1

The topics: The print product – champion or loser – postcard marketing for companies – market launch with 3D visualization – artificial intelligence in copywriting – AI image generator

StaffelNews Issue 2022/2

Am I a digital native? Paper and cardboard – the cycle Team – Marketing, Digital, Online Creation / 3D visualization Young professionals – digital or

Good for printing

The good for printing is a visual inspection before printing, during which the customer makes sure one last time that his order will be produced as desired. With his signature he gives the OK for the execution with the possible corrections contained therein.

The power of colors

A world without colors? Colors allow us to see the world with different eyes. They trigger emotions and reactions in us, evoke associations and can even influence our purchasing behavior.

StaffelNews Issue 2022/1

The digital printer Good for printing The power of colors Digital printing Employee interview Druckzentrum AG Zurich-South Good to know

Visual brand for HolzChäller

Smaller companies also need identification in order to have an impact on the outside world. For HolzChäller, we have created a fine appearance from the logo to the lettering of the workshop.

Marketing Trends 2022

In the future, marketing will be more creative, more personal, more human, more influenced by social media and more experimental than ever before. 10 marketing trends for 2022 that you should have on your radar

StaffelNews Issue 2021-2

The “30” is history – the future lies ahead of us Marketing Trends 2022 Professional content Employee interview Cross Media Marketing Swizzonic Ltd. Good to

Team photos for sports teams

A professional team photo of your team is a calling card and a great experience for the whole team.

Will it be the big ❤?

It’s great that you are interested in us and want to get to know us better. No long-distance relationship! Personal, close and locally anchored in

Offset printing – a royal duty

A touch of monarchy – in Switzerland? With our seven federal councillors and the associated parliament, we certainly embody a certain sovereignty and reliability.

StaffelNews Issue 2021/1

Gladly another 30 years – at least With a new attractive layout for the anniversary year Generation Z vs. Generation Silent Anniversary campaign online and

Will it be the big ❤?

It’s great that you are interested in us and want to get to know us better. No long-distance relationship! Personal, close and locally anchored in