An exciting experiment that shows the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence (image generator) compared to a conventional drawing.

Thierry Weissbaum
Apprentice KV, co-author

Kim Wohlgemuth
Polygrapher, co-author
The experiment
Artificial intelligence is not only a hot topic here at StaffelNews, but also in our everyday lives. We knew immediately that we wanted to write an article about it. We then came up with the idea of comparing artificial intelligence with humans. Since neither of us are omniscient, as ChatGPT is, for example, we wanted to try the whole thing with an image generator.
The initial situation
We asked our employees to provide us with prompts (input / keywords for the AI). These then describe a picture or drawing, which we then had to draw (Kim) and create with an image generator (Thierry). We didn’t know what the other person’s drawing looked like during the process.
Our conclusion
We were very surprised when we saw the final result of the other. Although we both received the same information, the drawings are extremely different. We then drew up a list of advantages and disadvantages in order to weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of the two techniques for ourselves. We are both of the opinion that we like the digital drawing better. However, it should not be forgotten that the AI image was created with a free program and that you can create an image with a paid program.
program can certainly expect better results. Even though the digital drawing looks visually more beautiful, the creative process for the idea and the drawing itself took a lot of time. Thierry, on the other hand, could have produced over 40 drawings in this time without any creative effort. We therefore agree that both creation methods are extremely useful for different areas of application.
Prompt / Keywords
“Ice cream with different flavors in a cone
drawn with fruits on a neutral background”
“Ice cream with different flavors in a cone with fruits on a basic background drawn”

AI Image
Thierry Weissbaum
- The picture was completed in no time at all.
- I can quickly adjust many criteria such as size, colors and individual elements without having to redraw the image.
- I can have the AI generator draw the image in different styles.
- All possibilities are open and not limited by my ability or talent.
- Accessible: Anyone with a device that has access to the Internet can use the AI image generator.
- The only limit is my imagination.
- Most free programs add a watermark to my image.
- The picture lacks the human / emotional touch.
- Overconfidence and overuse of the AI image generator can damage creativity.

Digital drawing
Kim Wohlgemuth
- I had full control over all the details of the drawing.
- I was able to live out my creativity.
- I had fun creating the drawing.
- I had the opportunity to make changes at the end.
- The drawing is mine alone.
(I don’t have to use watermarks.) - I am the sole creator of the drawing.
- You can recognize my own drawing style
in the final result.
- The final result depends on my drawing skills.
- Drawings require a lot of time, which is not always available.
- You have to use your own creativity to come up with your own drawing.
And, curious?
Click here to go to the Craiyon AI image generator: craiyon.com