Your media maker for off- and online solutions in Zurich.

Valuable through solutions.

We promote friendly and respectful cooperation with customers and employees and focus on environmentally friendly production in Switzerland.

Dedicated experts.

Competent and committed employees with a strong team spirit work in our family business. We look forward to your call.

Working together in partnership.

The numerous customer relationships of Staffel Medien are characterized by a high degree of consistency and mutual trust. Excellently positioned in their market environment, customers from many different sectors place the highest demands on our company’s services.

Commitment to people and sustainability at the Zurich production site.

As a company, we have a responsibility to make our production and use of resources sustainable. With this awareness, we take steps that lead to continuous improvement.

Customer satisfaction is the central concern of our company.

The media industry has a lot to offer.

As a family business, Staffel Medien creates an environment in which employees feel comfortable and which motivates them to perform at their best. The safety, health and well-being of our employees are just as important to us as their work performance.