News about the coronavirus pandemic is currently coming thick and fast. Ralf Weissbaum, owner of Staffel Medien AG, provides information on the steps that have already been taken to protect customers, employees and their families and to maintain operations.
(Picture shows our Binz neighbors at a meeting, 16.03.2020)
Current situation at Staffel Medien AG
Internally, we have taken appropriate measures since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis to protect our employees, their families and our customers and to maintain our services without interruption.
Internal communication on how to deal with the extraordinary situation, information regarding Hygiene measures and the instruction that employees and those around them stay at home at the slightest sign of symptoms.
The Federal Council’s ordinance represents a further step in the fight against the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-19.
Despite the upheaval that these measures mean for us, we try to see digitalization as an opportunity both internally and externally. As a family-run SME that has already taken the first steps, we would like to show you in our blog what tools we use, how challenging working from home is, especially when there are school-age children to look after at home, and what experiences, successes and also belly landings we have had.
We are taking the current coronavirus pandemic as a serious and demanding challenge. We are also convinced that this difficult situation will help us move forward – both in human terms and in the development of our processes.
Many thanks to everyone and stay healthy!
Ralf Weissbaum
Managing Director, Staffel Medien AG
Comply with hygiene regulations as prescribed by the FOPH
This procedure is mandatory before entering the company.
Wash hands with soap (if possible, avoid direct contact with hands on doors before washing hands)
Only after thorough hand hygiene is it permitted to enter the offices or production rooms
When changing workstations/shift changes, disinfection of keyboard, mouse, desk, surfaces, operating elements is mandatory
2 meters distance – workplace, meetings, conversations and breaks
There are no exceptions
No meetings at the coffee machines
Max. 6 people in the lounges at the same time
Same hygiene procedure every time you leave the building as when you start work
Solidarity and mutual consideration
Recreational behavior must be restricted
No border crossings
Returning from abroad currently means an additional one to two weeks of compulsory vacation at home. If there are no symptoms afterwards, return to work
Measures taken by the company regarding hygiene
Daily cleaning and disinfection of the rooms
Hourly disinfection of door latches and surfaces by ourselves
Closure for visitors and suppliers
Way to work
Public transport: avoid rush hours
Collective transport max. 2 people in car childcare
Duty to communicate about state of health
SARS-CoV-2 relevant information from the personal environment and own condition
Duty of care towards colleagues and employer
Internal information and communication
WhatsApp group informs promptly about company-relevant information
Management answers questions relevant to the division directly
Zurich, 16.3.2020