Editorial system for the regional newspaper “dorfblitz”

dorfblitz - regionalzeitung mit Redaktionssystem K4 erstellt

The editing system for an efficient production process

The independent monthly newspaper “dorfblitz” for the municipalities of Bassersdorf, Brütten and Nürensdorf is produced using the K4 editorial system from Staffel Medien AG.

The “dorfblitz” is published monthly with a circulation of 9,400 copies. It has been around for almost exactly 26 years, has its roots in Nürensdorf and was previously known as Nüeri-Blitz. The municipality of Bassersdorf was added in 1999. This involved a name change and the Nüeri-Blitz became the “dorfblitz”. The municipality of Brütten was added in 2005.

From time to time, magazines and newspapers treat themselves to a new look in order to adapt to the changing zeitgeist, but also to implement findings from reader research. This was also the case with the “dorfblitz”, which also introduced a fresher appearance by modernizing the production process.

The “dorfblitz” has undergone such a redesign and has had a new look since the May 2018 issue. With the new “look”, the creation partners have also changed.

We, Staffel Medien AG, are proud to be one of these new partners.

The advantages of the K4 editing system at a glance:

  • Cost savings through parallel editing of text and layout
  • Efficient teamwork thanks to automatic task notifications and sticky notes with chat function
  • Process-oriented coordination through an optimized workflow including version backup and the option to track text changes in Adobe InCopy
  • Production security by working in a central database and controlling access rights using the rights-role principle
  • Optimal, cross-location integration of all parties involved, such as agencies, external graphic designers, translators, etc.
Redaktionssystem im produktiven Einsatz