The Gecko method: route planner for your sales dialog

The core of the “Gecko Method” is already reflected in its name:
The five letters of GECKO stand for the essential steps you need to go through to design your sales dialog in order to successfully achieve your marketing goal. In the course of this article, we will briefly look at each of these steps and provide you with valuable tips and tricks.

Please keep one thing in mind when using the GECKO method: It is not a linear approach, but a profoundly iterative one. This means that you do not simply proceed step by step. Instead, start at the exact point where you are right now. And even more important: if necessary, you can always return to the previous steps. It is this continuous process of fine-tuning and improvement that allows you to develop and refine your strategy and make it truly unique. Let us now briefly reflect on the letters, GECKO:

The Gecko method: route planner for your sales dialog 1

Being found and visible on the Internet

The “G” symbolizes the pursuit of findability and visibility on the World Wide Web.

Even the most innovative product can only be marketed successfully if it is actually found by potential customers looking for a solution. In our digitalized world, search engines such as Google, Bing or Ecosia are the key gatekeepers that determine which products are presented to searchers. However, it is not only the ability to be found, but also “visibility” on the Internet that plays an important role. The aim here is not only to attract the attention of actively searching customers, but also to catch the eye of a broader target group. While “being found” represents the pull approach, “gaining visibility and attention” embodies the push approach. The product must be actively presented to a larger, selected audience. Thanks to the internet and the multitude of social media platforms, we now have more opportunities than ever to achieve this.

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Conducting substitute sales dialogs on the Internet

From physical to digital: The “E” stands for substitute dialog online.

In our Gecko method, the “E” stands for an important aspect of the digital age: the digital “substitute dialog” on the Internet. In the digital world, where physical salespeople are often no longer present, they are replaced by a virtual dialog between potential buyers and a company’s online presence.

Think of your website as an online sales consultant, ready to communicate with your customers 24/7. When a prospect visits your website, they are looking for answers, just like in a real business. Therefore, your website must be able to conduct this sales dialog like a real person. For us, the classic sales pitch is the model for every digital sales dialog. We teach you step by step the same psychological rules that apply to classic sales pitches. If your website skillfully weaves in these elements, it will successfully conduct this “replacement dialog”. The aim is always for the customer to be so well informed and understand that they are ready to take the next step and make a purchase decision. Your company can only be successful in the digital age if this digital dialog is conducted skillfully.

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Optimize content design on the Internet

Content magic: The “C” that combines emotions, insights and engagement.

The “C” in the Gecko method leads us to an indispensable point in digital marketing: “content design”. Nowadays, digital communication is often the first and only connection between companies and customers. The content of this communication is therefore of crucial importance. It is not enough to simply present any content. The content must touch, inform and convince. Think of our “substitute dialog”. The websites and platforms are the stages, but the content is the actor that tells the story, arouses the emotions and moves the reader or viewer to act.

The staging of your content determines whether your audience reacts with a convinced “Yes, I’ll buy” or a disappointed click of the “Back” button. In a world full of interchangeable information, your unique content needs to stand out. It must address the specific needs and wishes of your target group at the exact moment when they are most open to it. He must create resonance, and not just through appealing images or clever wordplay, but through a genuine understanding of human psychology. As a professor in the field of advertising psychology and with my experienced team, we have deep insights into what really moves people. In this book, we share these insights and show you how to design your marketing messages so that they are not only heard, but also felt. It’s about understanding and utilizing the subtle nuances of the human psyche to create messages that have real impact.

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The Gecko method: route planner for your sales dialog 4

Recognize customer problem - create solution

Journey of discovery “K”: Understanding customers and offering real added value.

During our rapid journey through the Gecko universe, we get closer to the letter “K”, which stands for “Customer Problems” and “Unique Selling Proposition” (USP).
It forms the core of our strategy and illustrates a decisive factor: a successful marketing strategy can only bear fruit if it deals intensively with the needs of customers and provides customized solutions. Every customer has individual needs that are not always apparent at first glance. These needs are often obscured by prejudices or expectations, but this is precisely where our method comes in. In this section of the book, we will behave like psychologists who look deep inside their patients.

We will introduce you to tools and techniques that will enable you to discover the true core of customer needs. It’s about looking behind the façade and understanding what really moves your customers, what they long for, what they fear and what they actually need. With this important knowledge, you can design offers that are perfectly tailored to the customer and offer real added value. Your product or service will not just be another option on the market, but the first choice for your target group. You will create solutions that fit the customer perfectly like a tailor-made suit and inspire them.

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Online sales strategies from involvement

Gecko’s “O” to success: target group engagement as our strategic compass.
Our modular approach in the Gecko method closes the circle perfectly with the letter “O”. This letter is the linchpin of our four central online strategies, which significantly shape our concept. As proven experts in the fields of psychology and online marketing, we deliberately focus on the motivations, involvement and current attention of potential target groups at the exact moment of first contact with advertising media. A key unique selling point of our approach is the targeted management of these strategies based on the current involvement and participation of the target groups.

While the world is rapidly moving towards further digitalization and much progress is being made in the field of digital marketing in particular, we firmly believe that technology alone is not enough. In the complexity of new technologies and media, many providers run the risk of neglecting the heart of the matter – sales psychology. Companies and the self-employed often focus exclusively on mastering the latest technological achievements and algorithms, whereby the psychological understanding that ultimately leads to a purchase is neglected. In a world where everyone is constantly overwhelmed by tasks, it’s easy to get lost in the mass of digital marketing tools and technologies.

Now is the time to get active

Don’t be intimidated by the complexity of the digital world – thanks to the Gecko method, you can stay on top of things. Technological trends in sales should not scare you, instead you should focus on the essentials. Identify the key events that influence your customers’ behavior and regularly ask yourself whether your products still meet their needs. Only if this is the case should you look into new technologies to get your message across effectively. This fundamental understanding will enable you to use new technologies effortlessly and effectively. Now that you have an overview of the Gecko Method, you should delve deeper into its world. What are you waiting for? It’s time to get active!

Author Prof. Dr. Karl Peter Fischer

Prof. Dr. Karl Peter Fischer is a renowned expert in digital marketing and owner of the Institute for Online Communication.

As Professor of Market & Advertising Psychology and Online Communication at the HAM University of Applied Management, he leads the Online Marketing Manager diploma course at the Schloss Seeburg Private University. As head of the 4m Media agency for marketing and dialogue marketing, he specializes in e-commerce and e-shop solutions.

His research interests lie in the digitalization of the sales dialogue and the digital readiness of companies. With his expertise in successful communication and sales strategies, he inspires participants in seminars and workshops.

Prof. Dr. Karl Peter Fischer

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Over 100 pages of detailed instructions for a successful sales dialog