One-pager website

OnePager - the strong advertising presence on one page.

Why a one-pager?

OnePager Website - Ein starker Werbeauftritt auf einer Seite

What is a OnePager?

A OnePager is a website that consists of one page. Different forms of content can be displayed on this page. One-pagers are ideal for presenting companies and their products and services in a compact form.

Who is this offer for?

  • If your website is getting on in years and no longer meets the current requirements of your customers.
  • You don’t have your own website yet and would like to move into a cost-effective digital home with a great website.
    If your company grows, the content management system (CMS) used can be expanded and adapted to your needs at any time.
  • You have a local business/shop and want the attention you deserve.
  • You want to use a campaign to bring a specific product/service to the web and need a one-pager as a microsite or landing page.

How is a OnePager structured?

Here is an example with possible elements of a website consisting of a single page.

One-Pager Webseite Menu am Seitenanfang

Header with logo and navigation

In the header, the visitor sees the first information about the site at a glance: the logo, you know who you are dealing with and the menu structure to help you find your way around the site.

Clicking on a menu item takes you directly to the corresponding topic content on the page.

One-Pager Webseite mit Bild und Text

Image & Text

To present your products and services in the right light, a presentation with images and text is suitable. If you want to present your products particularly prominently, you can use a large, detailed image.

Guter Text wird auf OnePager Webseiten gelesen


If there is already an interest in products or services, more is read than assumed. Appealing, crisp text engages the visitor and leads to conversion.

OnePager Webseite mit Bildergallerie


With an image gallery as an element, you can conjure up a lot of information and emotions on the screen of your website visitors.

Ideal for: Employees, company images, products, application examples, presentations and much more.

One-Pager Webseite Video einbinden


Do you have a company video? A good product presentation or other moving images? Integrate a video. We will be happy to advise you on how and where to host the video.

Kontakt Formular, damit sich Kunden melden

Contact form

Of course you want your customers to contact you. With a contact form, inquiries are sent directly to your mailbox.

One-Pager Webseite Footer mit nützlichen Informationen


The end of the website offers more space for information such as:

  • Company name & address
  • Contact details such as telephone & e-mail address
  • Opening hours
  • Legal information such as imprint & privacy policy

What does a OnePager cost?

Use a OnePager now, at a fair price, as a springboard to digital success! Choose between 2 service models. Of course, we also realize individual adaptations for your website.

OnePager Business

Sometimes a little more is better
CHF 2'190.-
  • The carefree package for individual needs
  • Choice of layout from a large template library
  • Navigation menu with max. 8 Topics
  • News page for current content
  • Photography Business Portrait max. 5 persons
  • New Google company profile (Google My Business)

OnePager Starter

When minimal has the maximum effect
CHF 990.-
  • Starter package for the self-employed, start-ups and SMEs
  • Standard template adapted to CI/CD
  • Navigation menu with max. 5 topics

* Delivery of all content directly by the customer (logo, images in sufficient quality, texts and links)

This is the same for both offers:


With the OnePager, the entire content is displayed on one page.

Legal matters

A separate subpage each for "Terms and conditions", "Imprint" and "Data protection".


Insertion of texts, photos and logo supplied by the customer.

Function modules

The right module for displaying content: from heroshots to contact forms.

Connection to social networks

Linking via icons to your presence on social media.

Contact form

Standard contact form with spam protection.

Responsive page layout

Your OnePager always looks good! On the desktop, tablet and smartphone.

Search engine optimization

Your OnePager is prepared for the search. (onsite basic SEO).

Correction before release

You have a correction phase before publication.

The following individual adjustments and additional functions are possible:

Security ECO- ABO

  • Checking server availability
  • Data backup on our servers
  • WordPress update (only Minor)
  • Plugin updates
  • Function control of the website
  • Adjustments to security plugin
  • Malicious code search via plugin

CHF 50.00 per month

Additional content

We won’t leave you out in the cold if you need support. You will receive on request:

  • Web-friendly texts
  • Photos, images and graphics
  • Video
  • 3D visualization

We will be happy to make you an offer

We advise you honestly, reliably and competently.

Get in touch and find out more about the possibilities offered by a OnePager from Staffel Medien AG.

How to get to your new website

* Mandatory fields
Information on data protection, revocation, logging and the performance measurement covered by the consent can be found in our privacy policy

Annette Weissbaum

Annette Weissbaum

044 289 89 00